April 25, Violante: «The left does not claim ownership and the right recognizes its value». Salvini: a party – Corriere.it

April 25, Violante: «The left does not claim ownership and the right recognizes its value».  Salvini: a party - Corriere.it


Of Political editorial staff

The former Speaker of the Chamber a few days before Liberation Day. Then on the Democratic Party: it has democratic Catholics inside it. If they weren’t there, the Democratic Party would no longer be there

I expect that there will be, on the part of those on the left, an attitude that justly claims, but not proprietary… On the other hand, I hope that there is recognition of the value of that date. Talking about April 25 Luciano Violante, president of the Leonardo Foundation – Civilization of Machines, in Agor on Rai 3. Violante also spoke about the future of the Democratic Party: He has democratic Catholics inside. If they weren’t there, the Democratic Party would no longer be there. That essential culture for a reforming policy in our country.

Going back to April 25, just yesterday Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini had also intervened: I count on April 25 to unite, as it also unites May 1, that the feast of all workers and not just someone. And therefore that April 25 also unites in the condemnation of the past and in the planning of the future. But I honestly don’t know yet where it will be. Definitely a day of celebration. .

April 17, 2023 (change April 17, 2023 | 11:34 am)


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