Anticipate the primaries of the Democratic Party (not to succumb). Orfini and Ricci speak

Anticipate the primaries of the Democratic Party (not to succumb).  Orfini and Ricci speak


Local elections in Lazio and Lombardy are on the horizon. “We need a new management team, immediately”, says the deputy. And again: “The base is afraid. A detachment of the militants from the party is clearly perceived”, argues the mayor of Pesaro

“We are a community of decent people who want cleanliness,” says the outgoing PD secretary Enrico Letta on the day of the first confrontation (yesterday) between Stefano Bonaccini, Elly Schlein and Paola De Micheli, candidates for the secretariat on the bumpy road of the congress. These are gloomy days, in fact, for the Democratic Party, bombarded from the outside over the Qatar case, despondent over the polls, grappling with the debate within the constituent committee (who are we? where are we going?) and worried about the regional Lazio and Lombardy. In this situation, every day feels like a month and risks weighing like a year. This seems self-evident to some. For example to the deputy Matthew Orfini, who yesterday sounded the alarm: there is a danger of worsening an already complicated situation, let’s bring the primaries forward, that’s the idea. “Trivially”, says Orfini al Sheet, “we need a new management team, now. Our constituent phase, on the other hand, in my opinion, will be the years in opposition, an opposition that we are already doing well. This is our battle, this is the priority for which to be ready quickly ”.

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