And La Russa blurted out: “Dear majority senators, guarantee the numbers”. Between Mes and Lotito, the terrible day of the right

And La Russa blurted out: "Dear majority senators, guarantee the numbers".  Between Mes and Lotito, the terrible day of the right


The patron of Lazio, disappointed in Meloni’s TV rights, retaliates at work and sends his followers to Palazzo Madama: “And this is just the appetizer”. Giorgetti gives the lie to the premier about the state-saving fund, and the rodeo starts in the Chamber between the Lega and FdI. Tensions and sloppiness. But with FI out of control, an accident is always looming. The outburst of the president of the Senate

The pastrocchio is so sensational that even Ignazio La Russa scolds the ranks. “When such a substantial package of amendments to a decree is inserted – snorts the president of the Senate during the conference of group leaders, in the mid-afternoon – at least we take care to guarantee the numbers. Otherwise there are accidents.” But that it’s just a stumbling block, it’s hard to believe. Especially if whoever should at least try to hide him is instead the first to claim the ambush. “This is just the appetizer,” says Claudio Lotito. He says it as he enters the Senate budget commission room, together with his blue colleague Dario Damiani. The crime has just occurred. The majority went under. Ten to ten: the center-right does not have the numbers to pass the package of amendments promoted by FdI to dl Lavoro, precisely due to the absence of the FI couple. And the vain attempt of a Melonian senator who, in a jolt of fantasy, stands up and shouts: “But the president’s vote is worth double, right?” is worth little.

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