An “anti-League” citizen’s income reform

An "anti-League" citizen's income reform


It includes foreigners and excludes the poor of the north: the draft reform by Calderone is a slap in the face to the League, which amplifies some inequalities of the RDC. A territorial differentiation based on the cost of living would be necessary

Extend the subsidy to foreigners and remove it from northern Italians. From the drafts circulated in the newspapers these days, the reform of the Basic income (Rdc) to the study of the Minister of Labour Marina Elvira Calderone is likely to be the most “anti-league” ever. And it is probably for this reason that immediately after the first press reports the Ministry of the Economy, led by the Northern League Giancarlo Giorgettihe hastened to point out that “at the moment, no draft on the reform of the RDC is being examined by the offices, nor has the technical report indispensable for any evaluation ever been received”.

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