All Giorgetti’s torments on the Superbonus

All Giorgetti's torments on the Superbonus


Of course, there is a political question. There is Giuseppe Conte who incites the construction sector against the government, there is Forza Italia who does not think about giving up. But maybe they were only these, Giancarlo Giorgetti’s problems on the Superbonus. “The truth is that we have been circling around the same possible solutions for months, the same ones that we already advanced in November”, says Alessandro Cattaneo, blue group leader in the Chamber. “We remain hopeful that the government will find the best way out, and then we will pursue it.” Finding that way: if it were easy. For each of the hypotheses evaluated to free tax credits – 20 billion or perhaps more – there is a contraindication. For each junction, a trap. To the point that even a footnote in a report by the Revenue Agency seems to be a foothold. Perhaps.

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