Alessandro Sorte, who is the new regional coordinator of Forza Italia chosen by Berlusconi to restore peace to the party

Alessandro Sorte, who is the new regional coordinator of Forza Italia chosen by Berlusconi to restore peace to the party


Alessandro Sorte, born in Treviglio in the province of Bergamo, born in 1984 is the man chosen by Silvio Berlusconi to replace Licia Ronzulli as Lombard coordinator of Forza Italia and try to bring peace back to the party. He was ten years old when Berlusconi founded Forza Italia he was the youngest municipal councilor for the budget in Italy in Brignano Gera d’Adda, the municipality in the Bergamo area where he lives. Then provincial councilor, then regional councilor of Lombardy and Lombard councilor for transport in the council led by Roberto Maroni. For just over a year Sorte has been married to Matilde Tura, who in Treviglio, the second largest city in the province of Bergamo, he is the leader of the Pd with responsibility for health and Elly Schlein supported the recent primaries.

Sorte’s friendship with Marta Fascina, Berlusconi’s companion, begins on the benches of Parliament in 2018. Together with another Bergamo native, the thirty-six-year-old Stefano Benigni, also a Forza Italia parliamentarian, who is considered Sorte’s pupil. “I immediately saw in them two authentic Berlusconians” – Fascina is said to have told her loyalists privately. Since then, Sorte’s rise within Forza Italia, which he had only left for a short time in 2021 for an escape in Cambiamo, has been virtually unstoppable.

Berlusconi was impressed when Sorte succeeded in May a year ago in gathering 1,500 militants at the Treviglio Fair to announce Benigni’s return to Forza Italia. In fact, he entrusted him with the task of conducting the negotiations on the constituencies with Ignazio La Russa, Roberto Calderoli and Francesco Lollobrigida and Giancarlo Giorgetti.

After the news of the document signed by 31 parliamentarians who complained about the little pro-government line and the management of the party, Berlusconi decided to speed things up. And to leave the Chamber to take note of the request for change with the replacement of the group leader Alessandro Catteneo with Paolo Barelli and of Licia Ronzulli with Alessandro Sorte.

The goal is to relaunch Forza Italia in view of the European and administrative elections of 2024. In fact, next year there will also be votes in Bergamo, a city governed by the mayor of the Democratic Party Giorgio Gori. That’s why Sorte has promised Berlusconi to move immediately. First of all by announcing as early as Monday the first hundred municipal coordinators of Forza Italia, starting right from the province of Bergamo.


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