After the Uss case, Nordio is even more stubborn in reforming the judiciary

After the Uss case, Nordio is even more stubborn in reforming the judiciary


Minister Nordio does not give up, on the contrary he relaunches. The Keeper of the Seals has no intention of letting himself be influenced by the wave of criticism from the opposition, magistrates and even lawyers for the management of the Artem Uss case. Sources in Via Arenula categorically deny any feeling of “isolation” of Nordio, who indeed, he reports, in the last few hours has appeared even more determined to carry on with his reforms to change justice. In a few days, in May, the first reform package should be presented, with a very broad content: abuse of office, trafficking in illicit influences, statute of limitations, interceptions, pre-trial detention and appealability of acquittal sentences. After the summer holidays, Nordio would instead like to present the package of constitutional reforms, focusing above all on the separation of careers between judges and prosecutors, and on the modification of the principle of mandatory prosecution.

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