After Fitto, Mantovano also attacks the Court of Auditors on the Pnrr: “Invasion of the field”

After Fitto, Mantovano also attacks the Court of Auditors on the Pnrr: "Invasion of the field"


According to the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council, the Court “does not have the competence to replace the EU Commission in examining the Recovery”. Words similar to those used by the Minister of European Affairs a few days ago

“Tell me where it is written that the Court of Auditors has this competence, to replace the European Commission in examining the Pnrr”. The words are from the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovanoreported today by The print. But the controversy dates back to the beginning of the month, when the Court of Auditors published two resolutions attributing the Ministry of the Environment and that of Infrastructure part of the responsibility for the delays in the next expiry of the Pnrr, at the end of June. There are at stake 16 billion and – writes the Court – there is “a concrete risk of a reduction in the financial contribution made available by the EU”, due to the “deficit” management of the two ministries.

The reactions followed in chains: the first to respond was the minister who holds the Recovery dossier, Raffaele Fittowho reiterated last weekend as “the assessment of failure to achieve the milestone is the sole responsibility of the European Commission”.

Of the same opinion, albeit in much more heated tones, is the undersecretary to the presidency of the Council Alfredo Mantovano. “A nice and good pitch invasion. Tell me where it is written that the Court of Auditors has this competence, to replace the European Commission in examining the Pnrr”. The form changes but not the substance: for both ministers it is not up to the Court to certify the delays, but only to the EU. In any case, the relationship between the government and the Court is becoming increasingly harsh, with the risk of wearing down the important contribution that the Viale Mazzini body still provides in its supervisory function.

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