A (useless) government brawl is igniting over the sending of fighter jets to Ukraine

A (useless) government brawl is igniting over the sending of fighter jets to Ukraine


Military support for Kyiv shorts the right. A piece of FdI takes care of supplying Zelensky with Amx, the Defense slows down. Meloni’s Atlantic anxiety and the challenge with Macron. Cirielli and Perego speak

Rome. In his party there are those who dismiss it all as “a ciriellata”. In short, Edmondo Cirielli, born in Salerno in 1964, a retired carabinieri officer, active in Italian-American associations, is a bit like this: “The most Atlanticist of all”. However, he doesn’t agree with this idea that his life would be a “leak forward”. “If anything, I took the liberty of reminding everyone that this ideological division over arms shipments to Ukraine makes little sense,” says Deputy Foreign Minister Colonel Melonian. Hunting included? “Yes. Because, when NATO decides, and this is not a topic on the agenda, to give Kyiv F-16s, we could not afford to get caught up in a bizarre debate aimed at ascertaining whether it is a defensive weapon or offensive”. Estote wallpaper, then. And yet that was enough to trigger a half-fight with the government.

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