A libdem Constituent Assembly to get out of the quagmire of continuity

A libdem Constituent Assembly to get out of the quagmire of continuity


After years of failures of this right and this left, in order to respond to the global challenges of our time, it is necessary to relaunch even more and better the authentically liberal culture and political action in Italy. With a fixed gaze on Europe against any populist national-sovereignty

After thirty years of failures of this right and this left, to relaunch even more and better the authentically liberal culture and political action in Italy. With a gaze fixed on Europe against any populist national-sovereignty, with explicit reference to the community of forces that has grown throughout Europe in recent years through first the experience of European Democratic Party (nothing to do with the local Pd) and then from 2019 in Renew Europe with its 103 elected to the European Parliament. We talk about this on Saturday in Milan at the San Fedele auditorium in via Hoepli for the entire day. The initiative stems from a constituent LibDem whose founders are Joseph Benedictpresident of the Einaudi Foundation, Sandro Gozi of Renew, the lawyer Alexander de Nicolapresident of the Adam Smith Society, and to which a long series of associations of the Italian liberal diaspora have joined.

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