A glass roof in the PD

A glass roof in the PD


NoonOctober 15, 2022 – 09:26 am

from Luisa Cavaliere

The glass roof is an overused figure of speech that alludes to exclusion. A concise way to say how difficult it is for women to counter the discrimination that hinders their progress. Often the tone of the protest has the appearance of a lament and inexorably loses its strength. The recent electoral event, which will lead Giorgia Meloni to preside over the Council of Ministers, is proof of how ineffective it is to insist on a deficit that has been significantly reduced. Also and above all on a symbolic level. Continually denied by various leading institutional positions and very important roles entrusted to women: it would be enough to think of Samantha Cristoforetti who twirls lightly in her spaceship and testifies with extraordinary simplicity how the road capable of breaking that roof has finally been found. Unless the equal desire, flamboyant for example in most of the women of the Democratic Party, does not hide (badly) the need to protect themselves and reproduce the female leadership groups.

Women who, more or less consciously, have worn the camouflage suit and have sworn allegiance to the male model making it universal. False universal. And thus transforming himself, without escape, into accomplices of the accreditation of an order which, among its constitutive norms, has gender discrimination and which incessantly tries to make a misogynist culture affirm. The formation of the lists of the last electoral round was a cruel proof of this complicity. And even more is the post-lamentation resulting from the scarcity of the elected officials. Obviously, all discrimination must be known and opposed, knowing that equality certainly cannot respond to imbalances. It is up to everyone and everyone to tackle this knot. If, however, one remains imprisoned in the order of demands, without having the strength to move on to what assumes difference as a starting point to change the whole functioning of the democratic system at the root, one will be left unguarded an essential position for change. For example, words that are useful for men and women should be found and used, practices that are witnesses of encounters in which the fruitfulness of mutual recognition can circulate. Letta invokes and hopes for a period of opposition. Healthy because it is unprecedented for a management group that has governed without antagonism and without references to the great currents of the left that preceded them.

I believe that, despite the discomfort that the victory of the right has caused, the authenticity of the opposing choice will be seen precisely in the ability to transform the distance from women’s institutional politics. I confess that I have serious doubts not only about men but also about women who have secured re-election in safe colleges, only to hypocritically denounce the thickening of the glass roof. I have the impression (and I say this not to indulge my propensity for conflict) that, like many other words, the Democratic Party will seek a sedative relocation also for this verbal formula. The truth, whether we like it or not, is that this party, if it once again avoids putting its identity on the line and taking responsibility for what has happened, will not go very far. On the female question as on everything else.

15 October 2022 | 09:26



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