The data confirms: influencers dominate the advertising market

The data confirms: influencers dominate the advertising market


Kantar, on behalf of Federation of Advertising Agencies (FCP), conducted a survey, articulated in several research moments, among over 4 thousand readers and advertisers of over 150 titles (newspapers and magazines), spending over a thousand hours with them and covering all the main product sectors. The results of this survey were analyzed together with evidence from pre-existing cross-media databases in Kantar.

In a context where the consumer is increasingly phygitalor where the consumer is increasingly digitized and intertwines physical and digital in an ever more fluid way (“anytime and anywhere”, as they say), and there is a constantly growing multimedia exposure, companies feel the importance of using synergy all the touchpoints of the media-mix to speak to their customers.

The detail of the advertising receptivity for each of the online media/channels examined by the survey

The survey conducted focuses on the role of advertising on the printed paper within this ecosystem, which has some positive aspects, but also contains elements relating to digital/online business communication.

Among the various digital mediums examined, i content disseminated on various social platforms emerge as those with the best level of advertising receptivity. To the question “How would you describe your attitude towards the advertising you see in each of the following mediums”, 30% of Italians answered positively. A good 7 percentage points above the average of the other nations examined by Kantar. Stories on social media and advertising within ecommerce marketplaces follow at the same level. Both with 27% of respondents who evaluate positively advertising in such contexts.

Not by chance Amazon reported $38 billion in advertising revenue in 2022, more than the entire global newspaper industry and likely more than Prime’s subscription revenue, as we documented when Amazon’s fiscal 2022 data became available Moreover, Amazon is also the largest advertising investor in the world.

Moreover, from the summary of the results of the FCP-Kantar research, it emerges that the better advertising receptivity is that relating to communication within the point of sale, and the marketplaces are, in a nutshell, nothing but virtual points of sale.

Online display advertising (what we commonly call banners) is instead the one with the lowest advertising receptivity. Only 5% of Italians see it positively. And in fact those who use applications to block online advertisements show no signs of decreasing, despite the fact that many sites are forced to deactivate them in order to use the content chosen, and the main motivation is precisely to be able to avoid experiences that interrupt and/or disturb people.


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