Zelensky in Sanremo: no video but only a text read by Amadeus

Zelensky in Sanremo: no video but only a text read by Amadeus


It will not be a video message from the Ukrainian president Volodomir Zelensky at the Festival but a short written text that will be read by Amadeus. The Director of Entertainment Stefano Coletta he clarified it during the first press conference of the Sanremo week.

“The president himself – said Amadeus – had not said ‘I will be in person or on video’. We thought so, then through the ambassador we learned that he was pleased to write a letter and that I was the spokesperson on the Ariston stage “. “The Ukrainian ambassador told us on the afternoon of February 2 that he would have preferred to send a text for Amadeus to read instead of a video,” Coletta specified. “From the moment through the interview with Bruno VespaZelesnky announced his interest in speaking to Italians at the Festival and a daily conversation with the ambassador has begun.”

Replying on the news after the meeting with the Ukrainian ambassador and to clarify what preventive control consists of, Coletta said that with Yaroslav Melnyk he had arrived at the definition of the message: “The president will not send video but text, which will be translated by ambassador and then read by the artistic director and host”. On preventive control you said: “I smile that a Rai director can censor a President, our control will be the same for each TV program, but we still don’t know its content or form”. On what Zelensky will say in his text, Coletta adds: “we still don’t know the content and the form. We will be more punctual in the next few days”.

Amadeus: also FdI deputy will dance Rosa Chemical

“I disagree with the criticisms, but the piece by Rosa Chemical maybe he will become his children’s favorite and after all this she will dance it too”. considered “a commercial to gender and fluidity”.


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