You write Europe, you read reality. Notes for Italy

You write Europe, you read reality.  Notes for Italy


Brussels manages to grill contradictions and inconsistencies in national politics: do you want to see that the true face of the country is populist on the issues that matter less, pragmatic on the issues that really matter?

You write Europe, you read reality. The elections are far away, the European elections are still a mirage, venturing into preventive analyzes of what will be is seductive for the writer but not equally for the reader. But if you choose to follow a simple and linear, albeit ambitious, key to understanding, you will understand why Europe is helping Italian politics to grill its inconsistencies, contradictions and escapes from the so-called liability policy. You write Europe, you read reality. And in this sense it’s fun to see politics come to terms with Europe because at the end of the game when you set foot in the European institutions, the whims of populism and even those of anti-populism tend to melt like snow in the sun. A recent case, regarding populist whims, pardon, anti-populists, is the one observed a few days ago in Rome, when the European political group of reference of Renzi and Calenda, Renew Europe, organized a demonstration in the capital forcing the duelists of the Third polo to attend the same convention and stand on the same side of the fence.

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