Wood and compost for the cows: animal welfare makes the difference in the eco-stall

Wood and compost for the cows: animal welfare makes the difference in the eco-stall


On the banner of Cervasca, in the province of Cuneo, there should be a dairy cow instead of a real deer. Because the first Italian eco-building was built right here. “It is a pilot project started in 2013 in collaboration with the Veterinary Faculty of the University of Turin”, he explains. Livio Bima of I Tesori della Terra, a non-profit agricultural cooperative society. “The results of the four-year study exceeded expectations. We have continued and now that the pandemic has also been overcome, it would be important to scale up. Let it spread”.

Yeah, but what exactly is an ecostalla? Technically it could be considered a circular economy model, of eco-sustainable farming, which can also be completely disassembled. A solution to improve the animal welfare and consequently the quality of the milk produced.

“Sometimes projects arise for needs that seem marginal. Manure management is not very noble, but in reality on farms it is a problem both for the environment and in terms of compliance with the rules”, says Bima.

L’ecostalla, almost a natural environment

The dairy cows of the farms are normally housed in large structures that rest on a concrete slab. In the best of cases we are talking about 6-7 square meters per head, while with the eco-costella we arrive at 35 square meters per head. Not counting the brightness and ventilation which ensure the animals healthier conditions and close to natural ones. “Animal welfare is obviously also linked to the space available, but the issue of manure is also crucial and this is where our project makes the difference”, underlines Bima.


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In traditional stables, the concrete slabs may have grids or slots that convey the manure into tanks. It’s a kind of artificial cleaning mechanism that seemingly eliminates a problem in the most efficient way. After that what is harvested in some seasons is used immediately as manure on the fieldsin others stowed (up to a maximum of 6 months) to wait for the right period.

In the eco-stall the cows stay in a litter about 50 cm high of compost, which is only turned over daily. It is made of Forsu which is none other than the mixed organic digestate which produce the consortia of municipalities to manage the city’s wet waste. Once a year the litter is replaced and the old one, then distributed on the fields as organic fertilizer. Furthermore, the ecostalla has no cement foundations and therefore allows prospect of converting the plot of land perhaps for other agricultural uses. In short, even the soil consumption is reset.

In the traditional model the theme is only one of collection and allocation, while in the ecological one the approach is holistic. “A permanent litter of this type allows you to have a soft organic layer. The first result is that the risk of hoof pathologies is reduced. The second is that with the occasional handling and pattering of the same animals, the bottom is actually oxygenated ensuring a humidity of about 50%.And so the billions of bacteria present in the compost and due to manure they are in balance. Let’s say the good guys keep the bad guys in check, just like in nature. If this were not the case, we would have already become extinct”, points out Bima.


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The balance has a positive effect on the overall health of the cows, also keeping the diseases affecting the udder under control. “It wasn’t among the objectives but we also noticed an increase in production per single animal. Obviously with the same food”, adds the member of the cooperative.

A model to export

I Tesori della Terra is an agricultural social cooperative which in addition to the forage production and horticulture it mainly deals with the production and collection of milk (thanks to various partners), as well as with the production of organic yoghurt. The dairy transforms about 40/50 quintals of milk per day. The ecostalla houses around ten cows, while the traditional one around twenty. 30% of the work on the farm is done by handicapped workers. “We are convinced that by walking together, for disabled and able-bodied people there is the possibility and the stimulus to do things well,” says Bima. “It is the nature of being together. It is what the earth teaches us with its ability to welcome”.

After all, the ecostalla is in line with this spirit of respect for nature and its balance. The idea that it can be disassembled and reassembled in another place so as not to risk altering the composition and richness of the land too much. “Furthermore, we discovered that the alternative foundations with wood are still covered by law. Maybe you can’t do everything, but a stable can”, adds Bima. Another advantage of the eco-stall is that it eliminates the risk of polluting any aquifers with sewage.

“This is a prototype, but it works. All we need is a partner who can help us make it more rational for the organization of work and compatible with the commercial dimension. In the United States, Holland and above all in Israel it is already a reality. It would be nice if spread in our country as well”, concludes Bima.


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