In the age of indifference we live in a regime of political experimentation

In the age of indifference we live in a regime of political experimentation


The sense of party belonging has suffered a collapse compared to the past and the disaffection towards the state in Italy shows no sign of diminishing. In such a context, even abstention must be interpreted more thoroughly

In recent years and especially since Berlusconi and anti-Berlusconi have lost their reason for being, we live in a regime that could be defined as “political experimentation”. No voter really believes in anything or anyone, just try to see if changing government will bring any benefit. Elections aside, Monti first experimented, then Letta, Renzi, Gentiloni, Conte, Draghi and now it’s Meloni’s turn. The electorate swings from side to side (see the painful story of the Five Stars) waiting for something new and better to happen. All the presidents of the council had some good qualities (never all the necessary ones) and they moved one element or another of national politics, in relations between parties, between right and left, as well as in social priorities and urgencies.

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