With the death of Silvio Berlusconi, the eighties are really over

With the death of Silvio Berlusconi, the eighties are really over


Those who have not lived before Tangentopoli, before the internet, before political correctness cannot understand the sweetness of life. The Cav. arrived at Palazzo Chigi at the start of that decade, on the very long wave of Reagan hedonism

Sooner or later the eighties had to end. And with Trump tried and indicted and Berlusconi dead, they’re really over. They are definitely finished, if one can say so. They were the last good season, as well as for the economy, for men and therefore for women (if things go well for the male, so do the female: the present war of the sexes will have no winners). And they were the culmination for both. It was there that they stared at the smiling entrepreneur guy surrounded by big-breasted girls. I want to remember them like this, between the Miss Universe contestants and the girls fast food of “Drive in”, not among lawyers and even less among doctors… Paraphrasing Talleyrand, those who have not lived before Tangentopoli, before the internet, before the politically correct, before the ecological transition cannot understand the sweetness of life. It may be that politics repels me but I find the following seasons inferior and in any case the two arrived at the White House and at Palazzo Chigi on the verge of that decade, on the very long wave of Reagan hedonism. They were impolitic politicians precisely because they were forged in impolitic, or less political, years. Much more fun.

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