Who wants to celebrate the EU. The many merits (and few shortcomings) of Brussels

Who wants to celebrate the EU.  The many merits (and few shortcomings) of Brussels


There are very good reasons to celebrate today Europe Day, the day of liberation from the Nazis, with a touch of pride, with an optimistic spirit and with a look of admiration for all that today represents the European Union, even in the eyes of those who have spit on Europe for years. There are excellent reasons for celebrating this holiday today, starting from the powerful words with which the Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky wanted to exalt it yesterday, convinced that “all the evil that modern Russia brings with it will be defeated in the same way that the Nazism” (yesterday Zelensky also announced that he had signed a decree to have Ukraine celebrate Europe Day, every 9 May, further distancing himself from Russia, which celebrates the victory of the USSR against the Nazis on 9 May). And there are excellent reasons to recall that, compared to 9 May a year ago, when the aggression against Ukraine was still fresh and Europe often offered the opportunity to show more of its weaknesses than its come on, Europe, with respect to the Russian threat, has done everything there was to do not to be found unprepared, to defend freedom and to show itself ready to move more with a giant step than with a mouse click.

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