Who enters and who leaves. In the team six women and five technicians. The case of names changed during the race – Corriere.it

Who enters and who leaves.  In the team six women and five technicians.  The case of names changed during the race - Corriere.it


from Marco Cremonesi

Zangrillo was initially given to the Environment. Then the phone call with Meloni after reading the list, the correction and the exchange with Pichetto Fratin

Giorgia Meloni’s thumbs up, and her satisfied smile, perhaps do not guarantee the certainty that everything is spun smoothly and according to script. However, one thing is certain: the government is political. There are five technicians, but it is difficult to have doubts about the general system. Matteo Piantedosi, Orazio Schillaci, Maria Elvira Calderone, Andrea Abodi and Gennaro Sangiuliano were born in the world of professions, there is no doubt. But their proximity, in various ways, to the center-right seems to be equally confirmed. The new Keeper in pectore, the jurist Carlo Nordio, is no longer a technician, but recently: after a life in the prosecutor’s office, he was a candidate with FdI in the elections of last 25 September. While Sangiuliano, who is also director of the Tg2of conservatism is considered an ideologue.

Two of the most significant surprises relate to exclusions. Maurizio Lupi, of us moderates, he will not be the Minister for Relations with Parliament. The electoral result penalized the centrists and their leader, who will probably be deputy minister or undersecretary. A man of great confidence will go to the same post Giorgia Meloni (and appreciated for the savoir-faire also from the opposition) such as the Friulian Luca Ciriani. On the other hand, a name that was not read yesterday by the new prime minister is that of Gianbattista Fazzolari, who the forecasts indicated permanently as undersecretary to the presidency of the Council. In his place will be the highly respected Alfredo Mantovano, a fiery Catholic and former Deputy Minister of the Interior in the Berlusconi quater government. Another surprise absence, that of the pathologist Gloria Saccani Jotti, considered close to Marta Fascina, the partner of Silvio Berlusconi.

Among the entrances, the other surprise is the one concerning Paolo Zangrillo, already Italian commissioner in Piedmont where he had replaced Gilberto Pichetto Fratin in the same position. After the premier reads his name as Minister of the Environment, he thanks him and says he is publicly “honored”. Then, he calls her out of breath and says something like: “It’s not my job.” She only thinks about it for a few moments: she replaces him with Pichetto Fratin and directs him to the Public Administration. After that, you start a note in which we read that “due to a transcription error in the drafting of the list of ministers, two names have been mistakenly reversed”. The rotation is complete. Although it cannot be ruled out that behind there is not the continuing clash between the souls (“governists” and “ronzulliani”) of Forza Italia. In any case, if the change of ministers in extremis it counts on a rich repertoire of legends, the one after reading the list of ministers is perhaps unpublished.

Another new entry far from obvious on the eve, that of the president of the Andrea Abodi Sports Credit Institute. His name had also been circulating, but in the last few hours it seemed eclipsed. There are also those who are disappointed by the presence of women in the government: there are seven, including Meloni. As in the Draghi government, which however had fewer ministers: the percentage, therefore, falls. The record remains that of Matteo Renzi’s government, in which there were as many ministers as there were ministers.

And then, there is the question, however not ignored, of the minister-senators: there are nine, in fact, the men of government who also sit in Palazzo Madama. Here the majority is there – the center-right can count on 115 senators compared to a majority of 101 – but without broadening, also in consideration of the fact that Berlusconi and Bossi are not certain that they will always be present. The problem could go so far as to put the vote in the classroom in difficulty, but the question concerns above all the committees: absences and missions will force future presidents not to get distracted. What is not surprising is the indication of Roberto Calderoli as Minister of Regional Affairs and Autonomies. But the coincidence yes. Today he will swear exactly five years after the referendums of Veneto and Lombardy: “Something that gives me an even greater charge”.

October 21, 2022 (change October 22, 2022 | 00:29)


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