White coffin and red roses for the last farewell to Flavia to Prodi

White coffin and red roses for the last farewell to Flavia to Prodi


The funeral home has opened in the church of San Giovanni in Monte in Bologna for Flavia Franzoni Prodi, the wife of Professor Romano Prodi who died suddenly while walking a Franciscan path in Umbria with her husband and some friends. The light wooden coffin was taken to the parish church of the Prodi family around 8.15 and immediately many friends, colleagues and ordinary citizens went to pay homage to Flavia. Many have left a thought or a signature in the book of memories. Around 9 the professor also arrived on foot, accompanied by the former secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, his eldest son Giorgio and his grandchildren. Many friends were waiting for him including the former minister and economist Alberto Clò, the former president of Nomisma, Gualtiero Tamburini. At 11.30 the funeral presided over by Cardinal Matteo Zuppi.


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