When the place makes the monk. The Democratic Party between Monk and the ghost of the loft

When the place makes the monk.  The Democratic Party between Monk and the ghost of the loft


The independent candidate in the temple of the left a little intelligent a little off a little smart. The governor of Emilia, today in ticket with Nardella, solidly anchored to the symbols of the industriousness of the red region. Meanwhile, the left pd (Orlando area) is looking at the itinerant locations of Matteo Ricci

In the beginning it was the Lingotto, understood as the symbolic place of the birth of the Democratic Party, in 2007, and of the launch of Walter Veltroni’s candidacy for the secretariat of the new party. A symbol of separation and continuity, given its history as a Fiat factory and workers’ struggles. And, not by chance, at the moment of the fusion between ex-post-neo-communist and ex-Christian Democrat political cultures, the building created the atmosphere, both reassuring and repelling (as if to say: from here we start again to go far). Instead today, whether it’s the end or the new beginning, the choices of the places of candidacy for the PD secretariat speak of a stylistic, semantic, lexical and social gap between parties that speak to each other but it is not known if they will meet. And in this sense it stands out as a symbol within a symbol, in the context of the quasi-official candidacy of Elly Schlein – the independent (now incorporated and new deputy) champion of the instances “outside the Democratic Party” – the place chosen for the meeting called tomorrow morning: the Monk, indie space and temple of songwriting in Calcutta (which it is not for nothing that he often plays), concert hall and terrace and garden where the word “sharing” is elevated to divinity.

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