“What is Elly doing? He will reform the Democratic Party. The national leadership is plethoric”. Speak Barca

“What is Elly doing?  He will reform the Democratic Party.  The national leadership is plethoric”.  Speak Barca


What is Elly Schlein doing? “He is working to change the party. When you don’t see her, you don’t find her, that’s what she’s doing…”. Fabrizio Barca, former minister, coordinator of the Forum of inequalities is one of the theoretical references of Schlein’s nebulous thought up to now. They say that the two often talk on the phone and so to understand something more about the dem secretary, it is better to talk to each other. Neither state nor market, Barca is a theorist of decentralized democracy: the EU, territories and open data “available to collective intelligence”, because, he says: “In Italy you don’t have to invent anything because any good practice, even absolutely embryonic, it is already there”. Echoes of the grillismo of the first hour, but more sophisticated.

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