What damage can sovereignists who are consistent with their government programs do

What damage can sovereignists who are consistent with their government programs do


Following the Polish approach in Europe with Germany and France means paying a high price. Because nationalism cannot work where a community strategy should be implemented, such as on the energy crisis

About a month ago Il Foglio kindly reproduced large excerpts from an article of mine that appeared in the mill online in which I analyzed the possible consequences on relations between Italy and the European Union in the case of one victory of the sovereign right in the elections of 25 September. In it I speculated on the risks of a “Polish approach”, in which the new government would have put its short-term interests first in the context of European deliberations, except in cases where a European solution would bring an immediate and evident benefit to Italy . Now, even before the new sovereign government takes office, some developments related to the European energy crisis are already testing the Polish approach, showing in my opinion all its limits and inconsistencies.

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