What are entrepreneurs waiting for to invest in training the workers of the future? Speak Montezemolo

What are entrepreneurs waiting for to invest in training the workers of the future?  Speak Montezemolo


Luca Cordero di Montezemolo he says it in a breath: “No more pessimism, please”. What does it refer to? “I’ll give you an example: have you seen what Bankitalia says?”. What does he say? “Finally some truth. A bit of truth about work. A bit of truth about the big problem that Italy has and that it will also have in the next few years”. And that is? “Every day we discover that Italy is stronger than it appears, it is more resilient than it seems, it is growing more than we tell it to us and the more we go on with time the more evident it will become, dear director, that the problem of our country is not the jobs that are missing but the workers that cannot be found”.

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