“War desired by some US strategists against Russia”. Grillo’s blog post one year after the invasion of Ukraine

"War desired by some US strategists against Russia".  Grillo's blog post one year after the invasion of Ukraine


The one in Ukraine is “a war desired and pursued by some US strategists for many years now, in theory as in practice”. On the blog of Beppe Grillo today’s opening piece is an analysis of Fabio Massimo ParentiAssociate Professor of International Political Economy at China Foreign Affairs University in Beijing, China.

A piece that begins pacifist, at least visually with the peace symbol opening the opening illustration; but which then ends up taking a clear position. Namely that Vladimir Putin it has nothing to do with it, since it’s never even mentioned. Rather it is “a global war directed against Russia, but simultaneously projected towards China, Iran and all those who dare to no longer follow the unipolar and imperialist agenda of the United States. This has been repeatedly analyzed and explained by very authoritative US scholars and politicians before others”.

The article prominently hosted by the founder of the 5 Star Movement, who just three days ago was in Rome for a reception at the Chinese embassy together with Parenti, points the finger at “the economic-political macro-interests of the American military and intelligence industrialist, eager to deconstruct the Eurasian integration processes, with Russia, Iran and China at the centre. It should therefore come as no surprise that Washington is not moving in any way for a ceasefire and a negotiation in Ukraine ( rather surprising is the servile European cowardice), but to link this vast war scenario – to be fueled at the expense of all of Europe and the world economy – to that of China”.

In short, as mentioned, the gist of the speech is that the conflict was actually provoked by the ‘Western world’, with the American secret services which already in the 1950s “had successfully established a counter-espionage network with the clandestine nationalists Ukrainians”, to destabilize the Soviet Union. If the conflict continues today, the culprits are the United States, which “is fanning the flames of war not only in Europe but also in Asia-Pacific and is asking for arms from half the world to continue to fuel the war in Ukraine, weaken Russia and encircle the China”. A clear thesis, which however risks somehow harming the pacifist line of the 5 Stars and of Joseph Conte.


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