Venus influencer, the case arrives in Parliament. Fi: too many mistakes, image damage

Venus influencer, the case arrives in Parliament.  Fi: too many mistakes, image damage


The “Italy Open to wonder” campaign wanted by the ministry led by Daniela Santanche and Enit for the international tourist promotion of our country. The decision to transform Sandro Botticelli’s Renaissance Venus into a digitized “influencer” who wears a miniskirt, eats pizza and wanders around the most famous places on the peninsula immediately attracted criticism.

Errors, gaffes and oversights

But the controversies multiplied when, after being scrutinized by observers and social media, translation errors emerged from the images and texts (among others, in the German version Camerino becomes “Gardrobe”), gaffes (images shot in Slovenia) and oversights (the domain with the campaign claim, not registered by the ministry, was purchased for 4.99 euros from a marketing agency).

Santanchè said she had “a laugh” looking at the “memes” born around the initiative and the agency that oversaw the campaign, Armando Testa, even “thanks”: “When a tourism promotion campaign breaks the wall of indifference and manages to give life to a cultural debate as lively as the one ignited in just 5 days by “Italia. Open to Wonder”, always represents something positive» reads a press release published for a fee in a newspaper.

The case in Parliament

But now the case comes to Parliament. And not on the initiative of the minority who also protested (“More than Open to marvel this Ministry of Tourism seems #OpenToSpreco of citizens’ money attacked the two co-spokespersons of Green Europe and deputies of the Green and Left Alliance Angelo Bonelli and Eleonora Eve). Pierantonio Zanettini, leader of Forza Italia in the Senate Justice Commission, presented a question: “As a citizen of Vicenza who is passionate about art history, a lover of Palladian memories, I am horrified to see such mistakes on the government website” he said .

The blue senator points out «sensational errors, regarding the city of Vicenza and the Veneto Region, of which he is originally from». «It is said that the Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza overlooks Piazza del Signori, when instead it overlooks Piazza Matteotti. With regard to the theater itself, it is stated that Palladio “managed to complete it before his death”, but history tells us that this was not the case. A “non” is evidently skipped in the text. It is also said that Palladio, designing the famous Basilica, would have intervened on the pre-existing Palazzo della Regione, when clearly the Regions did not exist at the time, and in reality it was the Palazzo dalla “Ragione”, because inside there the “ratio” was exercised, insofar as decisions were taken, especially judicial ones». Hence the question: «What initiatives does the Minister of Tourism intend to take to remedy this very serious damage to his image and whether the errors reported in the meantime have at least been corrected»?


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