Valerio Carocci, the “boy of American cinema” who rages at Gualtieri

Valerio Carocci, the "boy of American cinema" who rages at Gualtieri


From Colli Aniene to Trastevere, from student to entrepreneur and cultural animator. The Troisi cinema, the neighborhood project, the idea of ​​buying the American cinema: now everyone is wondering what he wants to do (and there are already those who see him as mayoral candidate)

Of him – Valerio Caroccijust over thirty years old president of the Piccolo America Foundation, oblong glasses and the inevitable cinema logo-shirt – there is much talk in Rome, after the young exhibitor-entrepreneur-cultural animator (of the new Cinema Troisi, first of all) obtained from the mayor Robert Gualtieri the release of 250,000 euros of funding to organize the summer arenas in Piazza San Cosimato, Monte Ciocci and Parco della Cervelletta again this year. Background: there is Carocci who makes a rant lasting several hours in the Capitoline offices, a week ago, as revealed by this newspaper, to urge “the keeping of a promise made”, he said. Episode then claimed by Carocci: “It shouldn’t be necessary, but it’s the only language that politics understands” (“either you give me the funding or I won’t leave here”, is the phrase that has been handed down for seven days in the Roman Democratic Party and Lazio, intervened by telephone, apparently, to calm the tension).

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