Uss case, Santalucia at the Anm assembly: “Constitution at risk”. Strike of the honorary magistrates

Uss case, Santalucia at the Anm assembly: "Constitution at risk".  Strike of the honorary magistrates


ROME – “The independence and autonomy of the judiciary, the heritage of our democracy, are sacred”. And I’m at risk. The president of the ANM says so Joseph Santalucia who opens the general assembly of the Italian robes with these words. An assembly convened for disciplinary action on the Uss case by the Minister of Justice Charles Nordio against the judges of Milan. Nordio himself, invited to the assembly, did not participate but sent a letter in which he stated that with the Italian magistrates “there has never been an opposition, but the exercise of a prerogative in compliance with the duties and functions attributed by the Constitution “.


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