Urso and Sbarra, evidence of agreement on work between the government and the Cisl

Urso and Sbarra, evidence of agreement on work between the government and the Cisl


“Yes to dialogue and participation, that’s our method,” says the minister, opening up to the CISL bills. “There have been wrong strikes, the union does not face political opposition”, says the workers’ representative referring to CGIL and UIL

There is no total agreement on the contents, but there is an agreement on the method to follow. On the one hand, the general secretary of the CISL, Luigi Barra, appreciates the dialogue attitude of the Meloni government with which it is possible to build a “solid relationship”. On the other, the Minister of Enterprise Adolfo Urso acknowledges to the unions that Italy’s higher than expected growth is also due to the “better social climate and civil confrontation compared to other countries”, the reference is to the street clashes in France. The context is the conference organized by Fit-Cisl on “Sustainable enterprise and democracy in the workplace”. The stone guest is Maurizio Landinia union leader who has chosen a more muscular confrontation.

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