Upon returning to the office, anxiety and boredom prevail. The biophilic office arrives in Milan

Upon returning to the office, anxiety and boredom prevail.  The biophilic office arrives in Milan


Among the feelings that prevail in most office workers are anxiety and boredom. Happiness accounts for a very low share while inspiration is still an important feeling for over one in three workers. To bring people closer to their workplaces, one of the fundamental factors seems to be the relationship with nature and sustainability, a topic considered crucial by all. From the Observatory “The new workplaces”, presented in Assolombarda and created by Nomisma which involved the human resources managers of 10 companies and 500 workers in the metropolitan area of ​​Milan, a collective sensitivity emerges which pushes people to adopt choices increasingly eco-sustainable lives. The issues that people consider crucial are often linked precisely to the environment, so much so that according to the interviewees, the actions of the community are primarily guided by love for nature (89%), responsibility towards future generations (88%), a sense of ethical and moral duty (85%), the search for a life condition that favors well-being (82%) and love for animals and their habitat (81%). In short, sustainability becomes a crucial factor for everyone. 88% of those interviewed consider it very important to take actions to limit the consumption of plastic, while 83% believe that, to combat climate change, one must change one’s lifestyle. For almost all workers (95%), the design of biophilic homes and offices of the future, capable of allowing man to integrate with nature, is considered a fundamental element.

Psycho-physical well-being

In the post pandemic, the approach to life and work has changed profoundly. Returning to the offices, the workers ask for workplaces capable of supporting their psycho-physical well-being (87%), increasing oxygen and purifying the air (86%). It is a widespread opinion that to promote productivity you need a comfortable environment (85%), a place that contributes to improving the corporate reputation (76%) and encourages presence in the office thanks to the brightness of the environments connected with nature (74%) . «We have to think of an environmentally compatible city and my opinion is that great results can be achieved simply by using and introducing plants in the places of urban life. My idea of ​​the city of the future is this: a city where every surface is covered with plants», explains the botanist Stefano Mancuso. «Until now, the direction taken by architecture has been to sever the relationship between man and nature. In the future, the role of buildings will be to connect the two worlds, exactly as happens in Welcome Milano, where architecture proposes new ways of working and lifestyles», says Kengo Kuma.

The biophilic architecture

«The biophilic architecture of the Welcome project is designed with organic elements and spaces that are as close as possible to a natural environment, with a view to fostering a creative and forward-thinking urban working life», says Yuki Ikeguchi, partner at Kengo Kuma and Associates , designer of “Welcome”. Nomisma’s research highlights that the relationship people have with their workplace is not always peaceful. Only 37% of workers feel inspired entering the office and only 17% feel happy, while 30% of respondents said they feel anxious and 38% boredom. In the last 12 months, the factors that have determined a negative mood at work depend on the search for greater economic satisfaction for almost one in two workers (45%), on a decrease in concentration due to environments that are not very favorable for working, such as explains one in four workers. The factors capable of determining the positive aspects of work are instead work flexibility, as explained by 25% of workers, work-life balance, consistency in corporate ethics and values ​​and complete attention to personal well-being. «The pandemic has taught us a new way of working, which is more flexible and which, if used correctly, allows us to maximize the work-life balance of each of us. For this reason, we have worked to create a smart working policy that takes into account the new needs of employees with the aim of creating a general condition of well-being for everyone», says Matteo Melchiorri, human capital officer of Fastweb. «The drivers that guide the choice of a company headquarters, such as the flexibility of work and spaces, the protection and well-being of workers, the retention of talented people, attention to environmental sustainability are now essential elements for new generations», underlines Jacopo Moschini, president of Confindustria Lombardia for young people.

The office between savings and sustainability

In the dynamism that characterizes the company headquarters in the Milan area, “Welcome, feeling at work” becomes a coincidence. The office conceived by Europa Risorse SGR will be built near Parco Lambro in Milan and was told in the meeting in Assolombarda by President Antonio Napoleone together with Kengo Kuma and Yuki Ikeguchi of KKAA, the world’s leading interpreter of organic architecture, and the botanist Stefano Mancuso, involved in the project. «We started from the desire to make the greenest and most sustainable office in Milan, near the large lung of Parco Lambro, and for this reason we chose KKAA. Then we realized how important it is to think above all of the “people” who will work there and their psycho-physical well-being. By applying this thought, we have created a healthier, brighter, more dynamic, social and surrounded by nature work environment, which is the context that makes people feel most at ease», explains Antonio Napoleone, managing director of Europa Risorse. In the “biophilic” environment «people are happier to come to the office, they get sick less and are more creative and productive and, in the end, this translates into significant savings on production costs for the company: a “win -win-win” between people, companies and the planet», continues Napoleone. Among the characteristics of the biophilic office there is also the saving and the contribution to the protection of the environment. The savings calculated on 10,000 square meters in the case of the Welcome biophilic office in Milan are almost 2.5 million euros a year, for a tenant who will occupy the premises for 10 years. There is also a saving of 14 euros per square meter per year in terms of electricity consumption: on a basic rent of 350 euros per square meter per year, the savings would be 35 euros.

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