«Unions are not convened the night before»- Corriere.it

«Unions are not convened the night before»- Corriere.it


On the Labor decree, the premier, Giorgia Meloni, convened the unions on Sunday 30 April, the day after the text will arrive in the Council of Ministers to be approved. A purely informative call when everything has already been decided, complains the CGIL. «We have always asked to be involved and to be listened to. Of course we will listen. But this is not the method we like: being summoned the night before when they vote on a decree that has already been made the next morning”, declared the general secretary of the CGIL, Maurizio Landini, speaking at Radio too. “We need serious change, not propaganda or a cockade on May 1st: we need to think every day about those who work and those who keep the country standing, not once a year,” he added. He also criticizes the Uil, with the general secretary, Pierluigi Bombardieri, who says he is worried “about the measures that the government is about to take” and promises a May 1st not of celebration “but of mobilisation”. The CISL, on the other hand, welcomes the convocation: “A sign of attention,” says the general secretary Luigi Sbarra.

Race against time for the Work decree

The roadmap for the government is very tight. Especially after the majority went against the Chamber on the budget deviation: something that had never happened since 2012, when with the reform desired by the Monti government, the budget deviation was included in the Constitution and, to be approved, requires a majority vote, which failed on Thursday 27 April by six votes, due to the absence of 25 deputies from the majority. The government is therefore now grappling with a race against time to enact the Labor decree on May 1st as scheduled. «You were a bad impression, I think everyone should be held accountable. But frankly I don’t think it was a political signal. The Def will be approved, we will keep our commitments. The Council of Ministers on May 1st is confirmed for me for now », said the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, speaking with reporters in a hotel in London, after what happened in Montecitorio.

Unions in Potenza on May 1st

On May 1st, like every year, the trade unions will be in the streets. The 2023 edition of the event organized by Cgil, Cisl, Uil, will be dedicated to the Constitutional Charter, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of its entry into force and the city of Potenza will host it, starting at 10 in Piazza Mario Pagano. On stage, after the interventions of the workers, the three general secretaries Luigi Sbarra, Pierpaolo Bombardieri and Maurizio Landini will take the floor. «In the Constitution – underline the three Confederations – work is recognized as the first fundamental principle of the Italian Republic, a personal right and a social duty that must be guaranteed and valued. We have chosen Potenza as a symbol of the difficult situation in the south, but also as a place from which to start a new season of relaunch and growth in the south». In the afternoon in Rome, in Piazza San Giovanni, the traditional Concertone will take place.


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