Two children and no taxes: Gian Carlo Blangiardo marries Giorgetti’s idea

Two children and no taxes: Gian Carlo Blangiardo marries Giorgetti's idea


“Immigration must be governed, not suffered. In Italy, many women and young people of working age remain outside the labor market: it is a ‘reserve army’ to be recovered and valorised”. Gian Carlo Blangiardoformer president of Istat and emeritus professor of Demography at the University of Milan Bicocca, intervenes in the debate on births and migrants. And he marries the idea of ​​the Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, anticipated by the Sheet: no taxes for those who have at least two children. “Facilitating the transition from the first to the second born – Blangiardo tells us – is a strategic objective to favor a recovery in terms of the birth rate. It is something reconcilable with the family models of our time and could take the form of the first important step towards the reversal of the trend. It would be desirable for this transition to take place in relatively young women, let’s say in the second half of the thirties, so as to make possible even third-borns, for those who want them. As for how to get there, Minister Giorgetti’s proposal offers a very interesting food for thought for me. It is possible to evaluate which interventions (compatible with public finances) are more capable, on the one hand, of providing concrete economic aid, on the other, of being able to assign a sort of certificate of ‘gratitude’ on the part of the community towards those who are willing to be freely involved in the commitment of a greater family burden, assuming the costs and responsibilities. For example, in the past I have suggested, purely gratifying and demonstrative, to exempt the family from the Rai license fee upon the birth of the second child. It would be a signal capable of communicating that ‘we are with you’ which bears witness to the new cultural attitude which is enormously needed”.

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