Tutor revolution. Because there is a feeling between school and government

Tutor revolution.  Because there is a feeling between school and government


Strikes snubbed, contracts renewed, and now the professor-tutor arrives, who could give a push to the old didactics. Thus the world of education, tired of decades of ideological immobility, is ready to give credit to the proposals of the Minister of Education

They all headlined “Tutor teachers will be paid more”, following the announcement, not formalized for now, by the Minister of Education (and Merit) Giuseppe Valditara of the introduction of a new type of teacher – or rather of a different “teaching function”. That is, the tutor professor, who “he will have to coordinate the personalization of teaching” of all colleagues to make it more effective and close to the students most in difficulty and also to those “further ahead”, who need superior stimuli. And other things as well. A good sign for the minister, interest immediately ignited, because it demonstrates how much the world of education desperately aspires to novelties, to ideas to be tested, to robust pushes to move an immobile system until it gives way. And imagining a different and differently prepared teacher figure, psychology and pedagogy in primis, to coordinate the work of colleagues in a team can be a good push. But those titles, all calibrated on salary, are also a sign of what Valditara will then have to expect, from the world of school and its unionized exoskeleton: for too many decades, school has been considered a problem of public employment, of equal jobs and salaries for everyone. And when the minister, speaking on Radio 24, explained that “the tutor teacher is not a hierarchically superior colleague, but is a colleague like the others” has shown that he is aware of possible contractual traps. Even if, she said, discussions have already begun with the unions, there is availability, and there are funds from the Pnrr.

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