Try again Forza Italia. The convention between relaunch and farewells

Try again Forza Italia.  The convention between relaunch and farewells


Friday 5 and Saturday 6 the conference in Milan to try to plan the future of the party in view of the European elections

An earthquake-stricken party, which seeks a space to survive itself and clings to the bulletins of the San Raffaele with optimism. But that after having scored in depth, right here, from Milan, the Second Republic must seek its own independent path. Tomorrow and Saturday Forza Italia will meet right under the Madonnina to attempt the impossible: regain (at least in part) the lost consensus, looking with some fear at the next European. Silvio Berlusconi will try once again, probably with a video recorded for the occasion, because without the Cav. Forza Italia is not here.

By now the farewells are countless, whether motivated or opportunistic. The loudest and heaviest farewell, a year ago, that of Mariastella Gelmini, who today prefers not to comment on the vicissitudes of her former party but – despite the storm that is crossing the third pole – is ready to reconfirm her choice alongside Carlo Calenda, as an authentic interpreter of the popular area. For her, a liberal reformist with Catholic roots, the incompatibility with the Salvini-Ronzulli duo had been fatal. Stefano Maullu (distant socialist origins) left FI five years ago to land, before the electoral boom, in the ranks of Giorgia Meloni, today he is a MEP with a direct line to the premier. He knows Lombardy well and maybe that’s why he keeps away from it. The damage caused by Ronzulli, who succeeded Salini in the Lombard coordination with a coup d’état, led a large part of the Forza Italia management team to choose Salvini or Meloni. The list is very long.

First, some time ago, the farewell of Paolo Romani, then Silvia Sardone (now MEP of the League) and again Fermi (now councilor), Piazza and the former president of the province of Lecco Nava have left Berlusconi for the Carroccio. Marco Bestetti, young rising star of FI in Milan, chose FdI but assures: “The center-right is a guarantee, with different parties but with a shared horizon”. Then “the choice I made was weighted and convinced but every day that passes I would do it again with more conviction because I have found a serious political community, which takes government experiences seriously. It is a party with rules that it respects (a novelty for me), values ​​those who work and those who are committed and look for the best formulas to enhance the experience for everyone’s benefit. I want to add Meloni’s good work also in the evolution of Fratelli d’Italia”, concludes Bestetti.

Massimiliano Salini, Forza Italia MEP, who with great dignity had avoided commenting, as outgoing coordinator, on the assault on the Lombard diligence by Licia Ronzulli, today speaks of the “Lombardy model” also for the next European government. “The state of health of Forza Italia and the center-right is linked to that of the country. The criterion for evaluating it – even before the votes – is the consistency of the coalition towards the future of Italy. How much are you willing to put on the table for the good of all? I’m not talking about compromise but about what one is willing to sacrifice for the good of the country. If so, the center-right is doing a great job,” he insists. But is the future of the European Commission sealed? “The shift to the right – explains Salini – is a need due to the exaggerated run-up to environmentalist rhetoric (and not only), which has put the Ursula majority on trial. With the economic world (Amazon, Apple, Elon Musk’s SpaceX) which has huge goals at a global level”. “Today, between national sovereignty and the future of the EU, the centre-right is showing great maturity”, Salini clarified in conclusion.

Alessandro Sorte, Forza Italia parliamentarian and new regional coordinator has no doubts: “The votes of Forza Italia are decisive for the center-right. He would not have won the elections without Forza Italia. The paradigm has not changed: on the contrary, allow me to joke, we are contagious because, as you see, Prime Minister Meloni’s style and way of acting, which we appreciate, is similar to ours. A pragmatic style of government that combines the ideal with the real. We represent the moderate and liberal center-right, Atlanticist and pro-European, we are distinct from the sovereign right and the nationalist right and alternatives to the left. We have a large political space especially after the end of the illusion of the third pole. The polls give us growth and we can’t wait to embrace President Berlusconi again. Italy needs his authority and wisdom. On the future of Forza Italia in the Po Valley, Sorte explains: “A major reorganization is underway. I aim to have over 800 club presidents in Lombardy by the end of 2023. In a few days I will launch the regional organizational chart and, in cascade, the provincial organizational charts will arrive. Forza Italia will amaze you in a few days at the Milan Convention: blue Lombardy is mobilized and in turmoil”. And on the Europeans: “I expect a double-digit FI. Many important decisions are made in Europe: we are part of the most important European group in the European Parliament. I am very optimistic. We are the center of Italian politics”.

In the meantime the organizational machine for the Europeans has moved – in perfect Cav style. – hunting for some electoral mirror. And given Berlusconi’s football vocation (and results at Monza), there is already talk of Daniele Massaro, Fabio Capello, Arrigo Sacchi on the list. Because it’s not the Champions League but the elections are still a popular challenge and the Cav. he won a lot. Even if today the champions are perhaps not enough, a miracle is needed.


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