Tridico against Tridico. The head of INPS discovers that the Fornero law cannot be abolished

Tridico against Tridico.  The head of INPS discovers that the Fornero law cannot be abolished


The president of the INPS, Pasquale Tridicoin an interview with Press he illustrated the well-known and worrying data of Italy’s demographic trend, which will lead the country in a few years to have “more or less the same number of people who retire and who enter the job market”. A one-to-one ratio of new retirees to new workers would make the system unsustainable. We therefore need to increase the birth rate and the contribution of immigration is essential, but it may not be enough. Therefore, now that the mandate as INPS president is about to expire, the political message that Tridico entrusts to the country (and therefore to the government and Parliament) is this: “One thing must be clear: with our demographic trend, rewriting the Fornero reform would make the picture even worse. So I don’t think there are the conditions to abolish or radically change the reform”.

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