Trenitalia, the 2023 winter timetable from 11 December: plus Rome-Milan and Frecce for the snow

Trenitalia, the 2023 winter timetable from 11 December: plus Rome-Milan and Frecce for the snow


The Winter Experience 2022

The FS group, which includes Trenitalia, Busitalia and Ferrovie del Sud Est, presented its travel offer for the winter 2022-2023. It is called Winter Experience 2022 and includes approx 9,000 train connections and 23,000 bus courses both in Italy and also in connection with the rest of Europe, to make travel between large, medium and small cities more and more capillary. The new program will kick off on Sunday 11 December, introducing important innovations to guarantee the sustainability of mobility, not only in terms of environmental impact but also from a social and economic point of view. “With Winter Experience 2022, the role of the FS group’s Passenger Hub is further strengthened – said the CEO of Trenitalia, Luigi Corradi -: a single player capable of guaranteeing the freedom to travel anywhere with increasingly widespread connections and capable of adapting to needs of the area. Our commitment for the future is to enhance and encourage the choice of the train, the green means of transport par excellence, favoring collective and interconnected modes of transport, also combining them effectively with other means of transport”.
On the Italian railway network 250 Frecce will run a day, increasing and improving the connections between Rome and Milan but also those towards the South, integrating the train + bus solutions and connections with ports and airports. Over six thousand regional trains will intensify services in Piedmont, Trentino Alto-Adige and Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Marche, Lazio and Abruzzo, Campania and Puglia and will make it easier to reach the Christmas markets. Let’s see in detail.


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