Transport, new highway code. All the innovations foreseen in the bill

Transport, new highway code.  All the innovations foreseen in the bill


Hard line on drugs, with the overcoming of the “altered state”: those who are stopped after taking drugs will suffer the suspension of their license. While for drunks repeating the absolute ban on drinking alcohol before driving and the obligation dell’alcolock, the device that blocks the ignition of the vehicle in the event of a positive alcohol test. These are some of the innovations provided for in the road code bill that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister Matteo Salvini is preparing in view of tomorrow’s Council of Ministers.

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Zero tolerance, MIT sources report, for infractions with the possibility of definitive revocation of the driving license for the most serious cases. The suspension of the license is introduced for those who are caught driving with a mobile phone, the wrong way and for all behaviors that generate a statistically high accident rate.

More guarantees for cyclists, who will be protected especially in the event of overtaking, and clarity on scooters with plates, insurance and a helmet obligation. New rules on limited traffic And finally, ministry sources still underline, clarity on speed cameras, to avoid the use of non-approved speed detection tools and too often installed only in order to multiply the penalties.


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