Transforming the world, even if the new isn’t there yet. What is leadership according to Funiciello

Transforming the world, even if the new isn't there yet.  What is leadership according to Funiciello


The history of watches. “The scene has something cinematic, at least in my memory: hearing me called, I turned around”. The voice continued, without looking at the man who had stopped in the doorway: “Have you noticed that Palazzo Chigi is full of clocks?”. The “monstrosity of leadership”, understood as the (un)natural gift of eyes “like those of flies, that see far and wide”, begins here. A way of observing, grasping, synthesizing, different from that of other people. Many people will have noticed that the ancient Italian government building is full of clocks, even in the past. But, it can be deduced, without obtaining a useful indication for the direction of travel. Mario Draghi instead continued: “But they are all broken”. “’Eh…’, I just said. ‘Eh’, he repeated: ‘Let’s fix them’”.

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