Trade, 30 euro down payment on the next contract and 350 euro welfare for 3 million workers

Trade, 30 euro down payment on the next contract and 350 euro welfare for 3 million workers


Extraordinary one-off payment and down payment on the increase for the next renewal of the employment contract. Confcommercio, Federdistribuzione, Confesercenti and the associations of consumer cooperatives for the employer side and Filcams-Cgil, Fisascat-Cisl and Uiltucs-Uil have signed an extraordinary protocol involving over 3 million people to give an economic response in this phase of high level of inflation, energy price increases and international uncertainty.

The protocol represents a first concrete step in the negotiation for the renewal of the national collective agreement and reaffirms the will of companies and trade unions to find tangible solutions for the benefit of workers.

In detail, the agreement provides for the recognition of a one-off amount equal to 350 euros gross at the IV level (200 euros with the January paycheck and 150 with the March one), and the disbursement, starting from April 2023, of a sum equal to 30 euros gross of monthly increase to the IV level as an advance on future contractual increases that will arrive with the April paycheck. For the unions, this is a bridging agreement “pending the definition of the regulatory and salary part of the sector collective bargaining agreements, a preparatory step for their renewal which helps to mitigate the fall in the purchasing power of over 3 million male and female workers in the sector ».


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