To understand Meloni’s influence, we need to study the agendas of his opponents

To understand Meloni's influence, we need to study the agendas of his opponents


The premier’s dossiers are often made up of inconsistencies. To understand her politics it is useful to look at that of her predecessor, Mario Draghi, but also at those of the Democratic Party and the Third Pole. And even to that of the M5s

There is an intractable and elusive political issue concerning the health of Giorgia Meloni. Answering the question that many are asking themselves right now, i.e. whether it is normal or not for a prime minister to be forced to skip numerous international summits in the space of a few months for health reasons, is an inconvenient, inopportune question that can only be dismissed with a little shrug of the shoulders and a respectful request to mind our own business. Talking about Meloni’s frequent influence is an undignified and disrespectful topic. But if we wanted to give a political reading to Meloni’s cold, rather than talking seriously about work-related stress, we should jokingly talk about diary stress.

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