Thus the right wrests social policies from modernist opponents

Thus the right wrests social policies from modernist opponents


After people and nation, now the government also takes the family with children. The measures to stem the population decline and encourage births are now perceived as ideological: Giorgetti’s proposal reveals the wounds of the public debate

From the reactions to the tax proposal by Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti who says “two children, no taxes”, it is clear that the birth rate as well as the fertility and fertility rates are categories of the ideological right or are perceived as such. The revealing statement among many is that of the very correct sociologist Chiara Saraceno, convinced that instead of the tax reduction of the prolific, “long-term projects” are needed (but what is generation if not the height of the long term?) as well as additional horse doses of welfare (tax and spending, the great myth of the universal left). The generic, cautious but certain, distrust of effectiveness is also not bad: taxes are not the problem, they say on the left, there are quite other reasons why women no longer want to have children (true, but it is a breeding ground very delicate and equivocal discussion). Then, as a tweets by Fulvia Bandoli, there is the ethical scandal: the taxman must rebalance and redistribute according to justice, not reward those who mate, conceive and give birth. And here it is even clearer: Is it a social merit to have children?

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