Thus Europe in great difficulty on electricity tries to react to Biden’s plan

Thus Europe in great difficulty on electricity tries to react to Biden's plan


BMW, Volkswagen and Stellantis are preparing to face not only the advance of Chinese electric cars but also the “American challenge”, which provides for contributions for the purchase of only cars built in America

Either you react now or it will soon be too late. Pressured by Washington’s aid to “buy American” and perhaps even more by the technological dependence on China in the electric car (rare earths and batteries, in particular), the European four-wheeler industry tries to react. In multiple directions. It is yesterday’s news that BMW has signed an agreement to produce its flagship vehicles at the Chu Lai plant in Vietnam managed by Truong Hai expanding its investment network in Asia, which already has partners in Thailand and India. Just under a month ago it was Stellantis who played the Indian card. For now, with the sole aim of drawing on the (low-cost) skills of Indian universities thanks to a new software center created in Bengalore, Karnataka. But Carlos Tavares has not ruled out further developments. “Europe is currently unable to produce electric vehicles at affordable prices – he said -. So the big opportunity for India would be to be able to sell EV compact cars at an affordable price while protecting profitability.” India’s best China about to invade Europe with its electric cars. Volkswagen, the flagship of the Old Continent car that sells more Audis in the Celestial Empire than at home, cannot share the concerns of the CEO of Stellantis about China.

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