Those affinities between Renzi and Cav. that scare Meloni

Those affinities between Renzi and Cav.  that scare Meloni


Budget Law, Mes, hydrogeological instability. Signs of understanding between Tezro Polo and FI. The prime minister’s dirigisme annoys the patriarch of Arcore, who returns to talks with the Florentine senator. Who says: “There is a strange atmosphere in Parliament”, and he finds the bank of the Ronzulli. Gaping majority: and we are already starting to reason with the abacus of Palazzo Madama

For now, messages and telephone calls, greetings exchanged, mutual compliments for speeches in the Chamber should be noted in the notebook. Matteo Renzi and Silvio Berlusconi: two names that evoke, by themselves, a whole imaginary background and retrothoughts. They are back to talking. And this worries Giorgia Meloni a lot.

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