they can’t afford to leave –

they can't afford to leave -


Holidays at home for 9 million Italians. According to a survey by, this is the number of people who have not yet organized their summer holidays or who have already decided not to leave. And the reasons are mainly economic. 59.5% of those who stay at home do so due to increases in prices, from flights to hotels: we are therefore talking about 5 million who have given up due to inflation. This was stated above all by the interviewees belonging to the 35-44 age group; among them as many as 64.3%, or 1.6 million, said they will stay home due to skyrocketing prices.

At a territorial level, however, it is the inhabitants of Southern Italy (59.1%) and of the Islands (60%) who – in percentage terms – will give up the departure to a greater extent due to economic difficulties. Among those who will not leave for economic reasons, i.e. over 5 million Italians, the situation was affected by the generalized increase in the prices of goods experienced during the last year. The figure rises to 66.7% among residents of Central Italy and even reaches 69.4% among 45-54 year olds.

Overall, almost 7 out of 10 Italians aged between 45 and 54 will give up their holidays because excessive price increases have caused a troubled condition. 35.8% of those who will stay at home for economic reasons, on the other hand, said they will give up due to the increase in travel costs; it is above all young people who have admitted it, so much so that more than 1 respondent out of 2 (53.8%) belonging to the 18-24 age group gave this reason.

In addition to economic reasons, however, 17.2%, or 2.9 million, declared that they will go on holiday during another period of the year while 12% said they did not have enough holidays. Given that it rises among the youngest: this is how 18.2% of 18-24 year olds and 27.8% of 25-34 year olds responded.


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