There is a new Security decree on the calendar in the Chamber. On the same day of the CDM in Cutro

There is a new Security decree on the calendar in the Chamber.  On the same day of the CDM in Cutro


Thursday the discussion in the Constitutional Affairs commission on the amendments to the legislative decree, which provide for more stringent conditions for residence permits. The first signatories are the Northern League Iezzi and Molinari. At the same time in Calabria, in the place of the last shipwreck, the premier and the ministers will meet

There is a new Security decree scheduled in the Chamber. This will be discussed in the Constitutional Affairs commission which has in fact scheduled the discussion for a new immigration law proposal for Thursday 9 March, the first signatories of which are the Northern League Igor Lezzi And Riccardo Molinari, group leader of the Carroccio in the Chamber.

It is a sort of “Tris” security decree, which follows those of the Conte II e government provides for changes to further limit residence permits and family reunification, strengthen the detention centers for repatriation (Cpr) and abolish special protection. Already in January the Carroccio had tried to propose a similar measure. However, the attempt failed on that occasion due to the friendly fire of Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia

On the same day, next Thursday, the Council of Ministers convened by the premier will take place Giorgia Meloni in Steccato di Cutro, site of the shipwreck that killed at least 71 migrants on 26 February.


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