The wise words of Mattarella and the deceptions of the march for peace

The wise words of Mattarella and the deceptions of the march for peace


The collective pacifist goes to the streets today armed, so to speak, with the best intentions and will parade through the streets of the capital to ask for an “immediate ceasefire”, to urgently re-launch “a negotiation for peace”, to support an appeal for to ban “all nuclear weapons”. And he will do it, naturally, or rather officially, with the best of intentions and the best premises. He will do so by expressing “solidarity with the Ukrainian people”. He will do so by “condemning the aggressor”. He will do so by asking “Italy, the European Union, the member states and the United Nations to take responsibility for the negotiations”. And he will do it, the collective pacifist, asking to put in place “all the resources and means of diplomacy in order to make respect for international law prevail”. And he will do all this motivated by the best of intentions, of course, but also moved by the naughty will to affirm between the lines a dangerous principle that coincides with a double implication.

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