The waste from waste-to-energy plants produces more waste in landfills

The waste from waste-to-energy plants produces more waste in landfills


They are the center of the electoral campaign in Lazio and Lombardy: Conte hates them, the Democratic Party fears them, the right stammers. But Ispra certifies the virtues of waste-to-energy plants: more separate waste collection, more energy and less landfills

The waste-to-energy plant is what divides the sides and animates the regional election campaign. In the Lazio Pd and M5s, who governed together, are divided on the issue: the dem, allied with the third pole, want it; the M5s absolutely not. The center-right is not known: first they say no, then they say yes but not there. In Lombardy a fundamental point of the alliance between Pd and M5s is precisely the closure of the waste-to-energy plants: “The Lombard Pd has chosen with us to shut down the incinerators”, he says Joseph Conte. Charles Calenda attacks the Democratic Party and the candidate Pierfrancesco Majorino he replies: “Not all, only the obsolete ones”.

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