The usual win. At the Lega’s Veneto congress, Zaia rejoices for a party that doesn’t exist

The usual win.  At the Lega's Veneto congress, Zaia rejoices for a party that doesn't exist


The new regional secretary Stefani is anything but Liga, renewal and electoral appeal. The base is heartbroken, FdI is waiting at the gate. But don’t tell Salvini and the governor

The most surreal voice is that of the president. “La Liga always comes before the League”, the charge of Luca Zaia. “This is the beginning of the renaissance”. Moreover. “In front of us there is a prairie: we must evangelize the infidels”. Too bad that the old party is over at the long-awaited regional congress of the Carroccio beco And stick – cuckolded and mazziato, out of dialect. More than rebirth, we are faced with the Venetian leopardism: change (just a little, messing everything up) so that everything remains as it is. And the electoral prairie, well that actually exists. But for the others: Melonians can’t wait for 2025. Salvini’s men see no further than their own applause.

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