“The union has a duty to bring the left back to reality.” Speak Bentivogli

"The union has a duty to bring the left back to reality."  Speak Bentivogli


“Strive to go further, let’s rediscover the ability to listen. Everything is changing. What does the opposition want to do?”. This is what Maurizio Landini says at the CGIL congress in Rimini. The secretary of the largest union faces all the leaders of the centre-left. And it is a Landini who, in recent years, in some cases, has found himself covering positions that do not overlap with those of the center-left leaders, indeed. In short, there are issues, including the minimum wage, on which the CGIL has not had and does not have an answer identical to that of Schlein or Conte. And there are CGIL members who, in recent years, have not voted for the left. Or situations in which the CGIL paradoxically found itself bringing water to the sovereignist camp (see the wait-and-see issues on the issue of factory green pass agreements). What prospects does Landini have for re-nomination for leadership of the CGIL?

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