The uncertain fate of the Cartabia reform, between gallows and guarantees

The uncertain fate of the Cartabia reform, between gallows and guarantees


The reform of the criminal trial came into force on December 30, but everyone already wants to change it, starting with the Brothers of Italy. It remains to be seen whether in a guarantor or a justicialist sense

The Cartabia reform of the criminal trialwhich entered into full force on 30 December, already in danger of being changed. It remains to be seen whether in a guarantor or a justicialist sense. We could go in the first direction if the government decided to definitively cancel the law, wanted in 2019 by the then Minister of Justice Alfonso Bonafede, which interrupts the course of the prescription after the first instance sentence, making the processes potentially eternal. Minister Cartabia has put a patch on this legal opprobrium, inducing the grillini to accept the mechanism of the so-called inadmissibility, i.e. the extinction of the process if it exceeds the duration of two years on appeal (three for the most serious crimes) and one in Cassation (or 18 months). However, a schizophrenic procedural process emerged.

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